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Queen of my heart

عضو نشيط
البلـد/الاقامة : اليمن
مشاركات : 13
الانتساب : 18/04/2011
العمر : 38
   Queen of my heart Clock110 12/12/2011, 2:03 pm  
Hello everyone>>> because it is my first participation in English Section i would like to give you one of my poems which i recently wrote i hope you will like it... but huh i wanna see your replies ok?? well here's the poem.

it is under the title: Queen of my heart

!How lovely to see your bus again

Distinguished with firey red stripes

Just like the fire within me in your absence

And I love it's tinted glass

Through which my queen is saved from other's eyes

Every time I watch it I am much alarmed

I like to watch it all the time

To draw it all in mind

I picture you with your navy blue bag

Getting into the limo in the seat back

!How lucky I was when I touched your bus

Even more happier when I got into

I felt I was ruling the world

With my princes that will not unfold

My regards,
هذي انا
هذي انا
البلـد/الاقامة : اليمن
مشاركات : 8873
الانتساب : 10/05/2010
   Queen of my heart Clock110 12/12/2011, 2:16 pm  
Queen of my heart 36121 Queen of my heart 36121
Its avery nice poem

well done and go on

welcome to our forum

God place you
عضو نشيط
البلـد/الاقامة : اليمن
مشاركات : 13
الانتساب : 18/04/2011
العمر : 38
   Queen of my heart Clock110 12/12/2011, 2:22 pm  
thanks for your encourageous comment,,[b]
ابو مازن
مؤسس المنتدى
ابو مازن
البلـد/الاقامة : الكويت
مشاركات : 13865
الانتساب : 21/03/2010
   Queen of my heart Clock110 12/12/2011, 7:20 pm  
Great !

It's a wonderful post,

thanx & go ahead >>>

Queen of my heart 957708
عضو نشيط
البلـد/الاقامة : اليمن
مشاركات : 13
الانتساب : 18/04/2011
العمر : 38
   Queen of my heart Clock110 12/12/2011, 9:47 pm  
اقتباس :
Great !

It's a wonderful post,

thanx & go
ahead >>>

Queen of my heart 957708

it is my pleasure that u like the poem,,
thanks for ur tour in my page,,
أعـ النـ ـزـاس
أعـ النـ ـزـاس
البلـد/الاقامة : السعودية
مشاركات : 10156
الانتساب : 09/04/2010
   Queen of my heart Clock110 12/13/2011, 12:14 am  
Beautiful pen my dear brother I liked the


Queen of my heart

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